
Showing posts from 2009

Baby Booties

It's been a while since my last post, (Sounds like an AAA meeting) I was deep into remodeling. I should have taken before and after pictures of the Master bathroom. I am so in love with my new bathroom. Ever had an image in your head, and once you see it come to life, it's even better then what you would have figure? That's how I am feeling about my new bathroom. In the knitting department, I have a co-worker expecting a baby in the fall. I am going to make these cute little boots, I have been waiting for an opportunity to make these babies. It seems that all the babies in my life where coming into the world during the spring or summer, so they never seem right for the occasion. The best part, I all ready have all the yarn to get started. How cool is that! I may have enough to make several pairs. Just never know who may be having a baby. Happy Knitting!

New Kid on the Block

Are we there yet? This is Mario, my new Yorkie Puppy. My other Yorkie, Marty, really needed a friend to run around with, and play. I am happy to say they're getting along wonderfully. I was afraid there would be some Alpha dog issues. Marty is more then happy to allow Mario hang out with him, well, as long as he does not try to eat his food. I've always had a special fondness for the Yorkshire breed. I know they can be a bit yappy, and at times hard to housebreak (I don't have a problem training). They are just so loving, protective, and just so darn funny. The things they do are just simply adorable. They just don't allow their small statue stop them from doing anything that they have set their minds to accomplish. Currently, in the fiber world, I am knitting a little something for myself, along with some socks for a gift. I'll post pictures later. I've been spinning more so then knitting, due to the warmer weather. Happy Knitting

Sweater Curse

Kniters use the term Sweater Curse or the Curse of the Love Sweater to describe a situation in which a knitter gives a hand-knit sweater to a significant others, who quickly breaks up with the knitter. In an alternative formulation, the relationship will end before the sweater is even completed. The belief is widely discussed in knitting publications and some knitter claim to have experienced the Sweater Curse; a recent poll indicated that 15% of active knitters say they have experienced the sweater curse firsthand, and 41% consider it a possibility that should be taken seriously. I found this explaination on Wikipedia. Upon doing my own research. The conclusion I made is that; I believe if you have a really new relationship, and have not established his like or dislikes. Then maybe you should wait a little before knitting the sweater. With that said, I have a picture of my boyfriend, with one of the sweaters I have knitted for him. I think it’s important to allow them to select the ...


2009 is here. I wonder what wondrous thing this year will bring us. 2008 was good to me, I can’t complain at all, considering all that has happen during that year. I must say I was truly blessed. I hope 2009 will continue more of the same. I don’t normally make resolutions, as I feel I prefer to set goals. This year, I am going to try to be healthier, to myself and to the Earth. This picture that I have posted is a quilt I have started about nine years ago. I can’t believe it took me so long to complete this quilt. That is correct nine years! I started this quilt in 2000, and then had to stop, due to other priorities, started again in 2007, with the intention to get back to it some time soon. Two weeks ago, I came across it while looking for something else. Right there and then, I decided that it will be completed before this year ended. So here it is, in all its glory. I am so proud, you do know what this means? Yes, I must start another quilt.