Sewing Fever This year is going to be the year that I will complete a sewing project at least once a month. I made a mental promise to complete at least one sewing project a month. My list of things I want to make has gotten totally out of control. I have patterns, fabric, notions, and thread. Everything to complete every pattern I planned to sew. Everything, except. Time. Well that's about to change this year! I will conquer those patterns, even if it's just 20 minutes a day. Once a month I will have something to show for my efforts, as well as, put a dent on my fabric stash. So lets start with my first project for this month. Simplicity pattern 2766. What I love about this pattern is you have several items to choose from. The skirt, pant, dress, blouse, and long jacket are what I plan to sew. I started with the dress. I like the retro look of this style of dress. The blouse can go with both skirt and pants, that's two outfits...